Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I Am Back

I have been gone from this website since December of 2013.  There are reasons for that.  The first one is that my young daughter asked me if I would "home school" her for the second semester of her 5th grade.  She was struggling at school and was coming home escalated every day and crying before leaving in the morning.  After discerning this over the holidays and meeting with her homeroom teacher, I agreed.  I had to do research on this, pursue the proper educational channels for the state of North Dakota, and then go forward in educating myself on the "system" I wanted to use and how my husband, with his Master's level knowledge, could be used in assisting us.  We did this, all went well, and she was feeling much better by May and involved with the after school drama program at her school.  She needed this and I am grateful to God for allowing me to problem solve her request and discern the possibilities through prayer and reflection.  When the end of the school year came, I thought I would be able to get back to my writing but I was mistaken.  My brother became quickly ill and died shortly after a week of his hospitalization.  He was the last of my family of origin to pass away.  This left me with many responsibilities and, since he had no spouse or children, the pursuit of being the "personal representative" of his estate.  I have done this not only because of my feeling of responsibility but also out of my love for him.  This has taken me into the journey of distributing his belongings, securing his photography and manuscripts, the sale of his home, the paying of his bills, etc ; a journey many can relate to.  I am just now, eight months later, beginning to feel that I can take some of my time for my own writing.  So, here I am....Holy Spirit called...ready to write again.  If you are new to this site, I welcome you.  If you are not, I've missed you.  Please feel free to leave your comments and enter into a dialogue.  How else will we be able to clarify what it is that God would like us to discover about Him and His relationship with us, if we do not seek out why it is that He has brought us together.  Blessings...

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